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1 Skip Intro  Apr 22, 2014 10:02:46am

May as well post the promo for this. I hope it’s HUGE!

Come celebrate TOTAL FREEDOM at BUNDYFEST, just across the street from the Cliven Bundy Ranch, in Bunkerville, Nevada! 240 bands, 24 hours a day, for a SOLID ROCKIN’ MONTH!!!!

*PENIS ERECTION CONTEST: Erect the largest penis in the open desert, win valuable prize! (tbd)

BACKGROUND: For years, we paid permitting fees to hold Burning Man on the beautiful Playa in Northern Nevada. But now, Cliven Bundy has shown us a NEW WAY! ABSOLUTE FREEDOM! Bundy has declared the entire area surrounding Bundy Ranch as a TOTALLY RULES-FREE ZONE! ANYTHING GOES! WOO-HOO!!!

Why should Burning Man end on September 1st? Swing down to Vegas for a few days for some R&R, a few good buffets, and then HEAD ON UP TO BUNDYFEST! All 50,000+ Burning Man participants are invited to attend — and as many more as can make the trip from anywhere in the world! 100,000? 250,000? THE SKY IS THE LIMIT AT BUNDYFEST! The desert surrounding Bundy’s ranch is LIMITLESS! :)

2 calochortus  Apr 22, 2014 12:11:38pm

Amusing, but if it actually happens, I don’t think it will be, shall we say, a positive thing.

3 KerFuFFler  Apr 22, 2014 12:24:00pm

re: #2 calochortus

Amusing, but if it actually happens, I don’t think it will be, shall we say, a positive thing.

Agreed. There are just so many ways this could go wrong.

4 Decatur Deb  Apr 22, 2014 12:25:37pm

re: #3 KerFuFFler

Agreed. There are just so many ways this could go wrong.

But it’ll make a great film—Mel brooks meets Coen Brothers.

5 Amory Blaine  Apr 22, 2014 12:59:42pm

Sounds like fun.

6 sauceruney  Apr 22, 2014 1:05:50pm

I suspect they’re expecting an official response from the state on their use of the land, counter to the relative silence of Nevada on Bundy.

7 Dark_Falcon  Apr 22, 2014 5:47:35pm

re: #6 sauceruney

I suspect they’re expecting an official response from the state on their use of the land, counter to the relative silence of Nevada on Bundy.

They might get it at that, since America is more likely to get worked up about an exposed penis than an exposed AR-15. For the record, that applies to me as well, since I find the former far more bothersome than the latter.

8 Skip Intro  Apr 22, 2014 6:28:37pm
9 cinesimon  Apr 22, 2014 8:10:29pm

re: #7 Dark_Falcon

Of course you do. Because death and violence is patriotic. Sex and fun is for homos. USA! USA! USA!
Love your association, too: in your right wing fantasy land, Burning Man = exposed penis. Rather says something about you - nothing about them. But you’d know that if you weren’t all about childish right wing cliches.

10 Dark_Falcon  Apr 22, 2014 8:29:34pm

re: #9 cinesimon

Rifles are machines, understandable by knowledge that I can gain relatively easily. Things related to sex are far harder to understand and far more likely to blow up in one’s face than a properly built rifle.

11 sauceruney  Apr 22, 2014 9:47:19pm

re: #10 Dark_Falcon

This is my rifle
This is my gun.
This is for fighting.
This is for fun.

Full Metal Jacket seemed to put things in perspective quite well.

12 steve_davis  Apr 23, 2014 5:20:35am

re: #1 Skip Intro

May as well post the promo for this. I hope it’s HUGE!

Any prize for erecting the largest penis in a pair of boxers?

13 Shiplord Kirel  Apr 23, 2014 10:07:13am

This event could provide perfect cover for large numbers of meth dealers, hookers, and snake oil MLM hucksters looking to cash in on the abundant marketing opportunity provided by the concentration of wingnuts and militia kooks across the road.

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Last updated: 2023-04-04 11:11 am PDT
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